Simple Steps on How to Lower Credit Card Interest Rates

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High credit card interest rates have always been the bane of every cardholder. This problem has become so prevalent that many card companies are coming up with all sorts of ways to lower credit card interest rate. However, many cardholders are not aware that they can do something about the crippling charges without having to switch to a different card. to find out how you can have lower interest, simply follow these simple steps One first, you need to determine the current credit card interest on your own cards. If you are not sure how to know about the precise amount of the charge, look at your billing statement, it should indicate the amount or you can always call your card company's customer service and ask the exact amount.Two Next, start scouring the internet for better deals. The first place to start is to check several compassion websites. look for all the cards that offer lower credit card interest rates and create a list. Take note of all the features each card offer. You may also search offline by calling other competing cards and asking their agents how much they charge for interest. Compare both online and offline list and select which ones offer the best deals.Three Give your card company a call and ask to speak to their manager or supervisor. when speaking to the manager, use all the information you have gathered and negotiate for the interest rates to be lowered down. If you did not get the answer you wanted, you can escalate your request to that person's immediate superior. be unrelenting, do not back down if you are not entirely satisfied with any of the agreement they present to you.Four in addition to credit card interest, the amount of late fees can also be negotiated so if you are not satisfied with the amount you have to pay for late fees, you may also negotiate for a lower fee.Five Once you are done negotiating, set up an automatic payment in order to pay off your future balances a few days before the actual due dates. This step is to ensure you never have to pay any late fees ever again.Six Start making a habit out of paying more than the minimum required payment. Doing so will help you pay off your balances quickly thus minimizing the cost of interest charges incurred. You will not only get out of debt faster, you can also save more money if you pay more than the required amount.Simple Steps on How to Lower Credit Card Interest Rates
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