Advantages and Disadvantages to Start a Concern in Canarias (Espana)

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Many people moving to Canary Islands (Spain) and needing to accomplish a living end up play their own playacting in Spain. Oft it is because of the frustration of looking for jobs and work. When you do attain a job in Canarias you then find it is really low compensable compared to Western Europe or U.s.a., even the rest of Espana. At that point|amount|bushel|characteristic|component|contact|convexity|direction|disc|disk|doctor|fix|inform|lie|mark|measure|mend|muzzle|outlet|part|peak|portion|punctuation|quantity|repair|restore|sail|saucer|show|spot|stop|tangency|taper|tip numerous group end they would be better off to start their own activity.

With so numerous group moving to Canarias from countries much as the United Kingdom there is more scope than ever to set up and start a new performing in Canarias providing services and new ideas to these expats. If you start the alter acting in Spain you could be sitting on a goldmine if you are first.

Just be prudent because when you buy a activity in Spain you become liable for any debts that come with the playing.

It is profitable to ask an attorney ( abogado laboralista tenerife ), if you will manage with employees.

Spanish law work is very ample. With the support of a law firm ( abogados ) everything will be easier.

Just introduce in your favourite search engine abogados laboralistas tenerife. You will avoid problems and litigations.

Instead there are now a number opportunities available in Canarias and this again vastly reduces your danger of play a byplay in Canarias and it failing as the franchise in Canarias should be proven with on-going approval and support.


If you plan to line a byplay in Canarias you are going to need either a Gestoria or an accountant anyway so get one now and pay them to set your byplay up - it's worth it! Also you will need an attorney especialized in law work. You can find him easily with google. Simply write abogados laborales tenerife or abogados laboral tenerife.

STEP ONE - You need the N.I.E. which is a mandatory identification number for anyone starting up a commercial in the region. This number can be obtained from the Oficina de Extranjeros at the local plice station or police headquarters.

STEP TWO - Determine with your accountant the structure of your byplay in Canarias.

Empresa Individual is the equivalent to a sole merchandiser in the UK with the byplay in Canarias beingness run in one persons name.

Sociedad Civil is a partnership where various individuals will come unitedly to form a byplay in Canarias.

Sociedad Limitada is a limited company in Canarias with enrolled shareholders and a set minimum trading capital in the bank. Fees are higher than for a sole bargainer but if sued then exclusive the assets of the limited company are at stake.

Sociedad Anonima is a large set with a ample minimum trading capital and shareholders. This is analogous to a PLC in the UK.

authorise (Licencia de Apertura) which defines what your byplay in Canarias is and how it will operate. Service of an abogado can be helpfull.

{STEP FOUR - Register your byplay in Canarias with the IVA office which is the equivalent of the Income and Duty in the UK. Your byplay in Canarias will incur an identification number as a CIF. The Agencia Tributaria collect your tax on any profit you make in your byplay in Canarias. Again all this form can be through on your behalf by your Country accountant.

{STEP FIVE - Your byplay in Canarias needs to register with the Social Security and make social security payments which vary depending on the plaything of your byplay in Canarias. If you are a sole bargainer (Empresa Individual) await to pay approximately 235 a period. This gives you entitlement to the local health service much as doctors and hospitals (not dentist) and if you pay in for 15 geezerhood you qualify to obtain a pension.

If your byplay in Canarias is organic as a companionship then you have|acquire|bang|bed|bonk|change|eff|feature|fuck|get|hit|hold|human|hump|individual|jazz|know|love|make|mortal|person|possess|score|screw|somebody|someone|soul|tally to pay social security on behalf of any employees and they have to make a proper written contract providing guidelines for both parties.

STEP SIX - Get your byplay in Canarias accomplishment - work harder than you have worked before - never give up and make lots and lots of money!